Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro
San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro originated at the beginning of the 7th century by the monks of San Colombano. Rebuilt after the great earthquake of 1117, together with San Michele it is the most spacious of Romanesque churches in Pavia and stands out for the use of terracotta and sandstone, for the visibly asymmetrical facade with only one portal. The exterior is decorated with majolica tiles. Inside, walled in the last pillar of the right aisle, is the tomb of Lombard king Liutprando; in the church, inside famous ark, are also preserved St. Augustine's relics. The ark was built by Campionesi in 1362 and is adorned with over 150 statues and bas-reliefs. The church is named by Dante Alighieri in the X Canto of Paradise, with a reference to Severino Boezio, adviser to Ostrogothic king Teodorico, buried in the Crypt.