The extreme tip of italy, washed by Tyrrhenian Sea and Ionian Sea and separated from Sicily by legendary Strait of Messina, has a mountainous heart that passes through Aspromonte, Greeks, Greater and Small Sila, and Polino. The first human traces date back to Paleolithic and we find them in Cosenza area: the caves of Praia a Mare and Romito Cave, in Papasidero, within which famous graffito of Bos primigenius brings us back to 12.000 years. Legend has it that Enotrio has handed these lands to his son Italo, from whom they inherited the name and extended it to Italy. The hinterland, Bruzio domain, had heart in Cosentia. By Greeks are largely part of the splendor that enriches the region of archaeological sites and museums and identifies them as Magna Grecia, whose symbol for excellence are Bronzi di Riace, in National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria. Then it was the turn of Rome, with its agricultural villas and new towns; Arab-Byzantine controversy; Norman Calabria of castles, fortresses and monastic orders; Angioino-Aragonese sight seeing towers and, finally,Bourbon industrialization, whose traces are still visible between ancient Ferriere (Mongiana). The heritage of this crossroads of peoples are some of the most important sites and monuments of Italy (Archaeological Parks, Cattolica di Stilo, Sanctuary of Saint Francesco di Paola, Florian Abbey of San Giovanni, Carthage of Serra San Bruno, Cathedral of Cosenza) and works of great value, as Codex Purpureus Rossanensis and Mattia Preti's canvases. Among contemporary artists, Rotella and Spatari, with his exceptional MuSaBa (Museo Santa Barbara) in Mammola. Uncontaminated nature of three National Parks (Aspromonte, Sila and Pollino) and Regional on of Serre offer endless opportunities to practice sport and live the region in all seasons. On the level of tradition and folklore the presence of three linguistic minorities (Alabanese, Occitan and Grecanic) is an added value and source of inspiration for some of the most important festivals in the region, such as "Paleariza", in the heart of Bovesìa; Pollino Carnival, Palmi's Varia (UNESCO Heritage), "International Literary Prize of Palmi", "Roccella Jazz Festival" and Diamante's "Peperoncino Festival". Chilli pepper, leading ingredient of Calabrian cuisine, is well combined with other typical products: Tropea onion, Nduja from Spilinga and other sauces, cheeses, tomatoes, rustic bread and fine wines (Cirò, Terre di Cosenza, Greco di Bianco). Among "sweetness" of Calabria the essence of bergamot, Tartufi di Pizzo (ice-cream) and rossano's licorice.