Museo Archeologico Nazionale
The Museum, housed in the basement of the trenches of the Aragonese Castle, built in 1470 by Pirro del Balzo, is dedicated in particular to the Latin colony of Venusia, founded in 291 BC. It shows the earliest phases of human presence in the territory of Venosa, evidenced from the fragment of femur of Homo Erectus (300.000 years ago), one of the oldest found in Europe. Coins, elements of architectural decoration, ceramics allow to define and follow the political and cultural history of the Roman city until the later phases. In the epigraphic section is exposed to the collection of funerary and public inscriptions, the latter document important works by magistrates of Venusia. Interesting is the collection of stones enrolled in Oscan, which, in neighboring Bantia (Banzi), during the first century BC composing a templum wishes: open space, consecrated, where you drew the auspices through the flight of birds. Epigraphs and arcosolii figured testify the allocation of an important Jewish community, between the fourth and ninth centuries AD, burying their dead in catacombs adjacent to those Christian.
Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm; Tuesday 2:00/8:00 pm