Luogo - Park

Riserva Regionale "Laghi di Monticchio" (Lago Piccolo)

Where laghi di monticchio, Rionero in Vulture (Potenza)

Monticchio is a hamlet belonging to the municipalities of Rionero in Vulture and Atella, in the province of Potenza. Situated on the slopes of Mount Vulture, one of the oldest volcanoes in the southern appennine, it has a colorful environmental heritage that makes it a destination for visitors especially in the summer and early part of autumn. Since 1971 the Regional Reserve "Piccolo di Monticchio", which represents the natural habitat of a rare endemic night butterfly species, Brahmaea europaea. Resorts and farmhouses, the hamlet of Monticchio Laghi, is located on the edge of the Vulture, named after two volcanic lakes, the so-called "Vulture Gemini".

Immagine descrittiva - BY Di Pitichinaccio - Opera propria (own photo), Pubblico dominio, c
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