Collezione Righini
One of the finest and most important automobile collections in Italy is undoubtedly that of Mario Righini, set up in the castle of Panzano at Castelfranco Emilia (MO). This medieval castle, which once belonged to the Malvasia family, serves as backdrop to a good part of Italian automobile history, as well as to an interesting collection of motorcycles. Among the most important cars to mention, first place undoubtedly goes to the legendary 815 from 1940, known as being the first car built by Enzo Ferrari at a time when his factory did not yet exist: the brand name on this eight-cylinder, 1500 cc automobile is therefore Auto Avio Costruzioni. Another memorable piece is the singular Fiat Chiribiri from 1912, a very high "cigar" on four wheels, which could reach incredible speeds for the times. These two unique jewels are flanked by Ferraris, Mercedes Benzes two centuries old, Isotta Fraschinis, Rolls Royces, Tazio Nuvolari's Alfa Romeo 2300 and all the best of automobiles, an exhibition further enhanced by the great cordiality of the owner of the house. Since this is a private home, visits are kindly granted at the discretion of the owner.
For contacts
Roberta Righini
Phone. +39 051 733169
email: [email protected]