Museo dell'Idice
The Museum of the Idice Valley is placed in an elementary school built in 1922 and decommissioned in the early eighties. This building, after an important and demanding restructuring, which allowed to preserve the original neo-Renaissance style, is now home to the Museum, which opened November 3, 2001. And 'it supported by the cultural and administrative activities from Cervellati Foundation. The activity was realized thanks to the convergence of the public, the Municipality of Budrio and private, the Sante Cervellati family. Already in the name of the museum it shows the focus on land resources and for the protagonists of its history, men who individually or with a team, have determined the major innovations and transformations. The exhibition begins with the section dedicated to the inventor of radio (and illustrious Bologna) Guglielmo Marconi. The exhibition continues with numerous and rare memorabilia from the Ducati factory products from origin to 1973: Poster advertising, razors, camcorders, cameras, radios and other small appliances remarkably preserved. Among these, the first product ever Ducati: a condenser section of 1936. The Ducati is thus performed in the most famous products associated with the brand from Bologna: motorcycles. In evidence, the puppy: one of the earliest and most fortunate of the house models. The history of Ducati continues with the incredible adventure of Tartarini and Monetti, who in 1957 and 1958 They carried around the world riding two motorcycles Ducati 175, discussed above. In addition to the original motorcycle, the museum also allows viewing of the original film of the trip. Ducati is also scooters: from Mengoli collection, many vehicles of this production little known to the general public. It was recently organized an exhibition on the desmodromic system.
Opening hours:
Visit only on demand.