Destinazioni - Comune


Where Vimercate (Monza e della Brianza)
Vimercate is a city and comune in the province of Monza and Brianza, Lombardy, northern Italy. It is 25 kilometres (16 mi) from Milan and 10 kilometres (6 mi) from Monza. The city was originally founded by the Romans on the banks of the river Molgora. Main sights San Francesco Convent (Banfi Family) The Convent of Saint Francis, founded 1000 years ago, also stands out as one of the important antiquities in the history of Vimercate. In medieval Vimercate this particular place was located right outside of the city walls and from the very beginning it offered refuge and assistance to travellers and pilgrims. 1052: The Beginnings In medieval Vimercate this particular place was located right outside of the city walls and from the very beginning it offered refuge and assistance to travellers and pilgrims. After 1200: The Friars In the first half of the thirteenth century Franciscan friars from the nearby monastery in Oreno, traditionally believed to have been visited by the “Poor Friar of Assisi” (1182-1226), founded the new Franciscan monastery, originally under the “Custody of Monza”. It increased in importance and was occupied by” Lectors and Maestri”, as stated in some documents of the thirteenth century. 1300-1500 Visconti and Sforza In one of the frescos in the Convent there is an ornament showing the coats of arms of both the Visconti and the Della Torre families. Historical considerations make it possible for us to date this fresco to about 1311 when a truce between the two families was finally signed on the day of Epiphany of that year. The truce between the two Milanese families was guaranteed by the Emperor, Henry VII. This provides an interesting trace of the political events of that period. In 1456 'Francesco Sforza', Duke of Milan, provided a special grant with an annual offering of fifty florins, founding the “Cappellania di San Francesco” (The Chapel of Saint Francis) in the church, which in the meantime had been dedicated to this Saint. 1798: From Napoleon to the Banfi Family In 1798 the Monastery, suppressed by the Cisalpine Republic, was put on auction and purchased in 1799 by the Feudal Mayor of Vimercate, Dr. Giuseppe Banfi. He conceded the use of the Monastery to the six remaining Minor Friars, supporting them for life. Afterwards he transformed the Monastery into a residence. Since then the Banfi family has always inhabited it and used it for reunions. The very special atmosphere of the place is also linked to this aspect, where the normal daily life of a family continues naturally to this day within the thousand year old walls. The Frescos In different areas of the monastery there are some fragments of frescos, which, even if quite small, make it possible to distinguish two subsequent attempts at decorating the Church during the first half of the fourteenth century, evidence of the prestige of the monastery in that period. A first decorative phase dating back to the fourteenth century can be seen on the north wall of the bell tower where there are simple ornamental specimens with falling stars in relief on the white plaster background similar to those that originally decorated the Cathedral of Monza. Saint Stephen's Basilica Church of Virgin Mary Ponte di San Rocco (3rd century), the oldest still-functioning Roman bridge in northern Italy. In the Middle Ages it received two gates Palazzo Trotti. It has 18th-century paintings from Giuseppe Antonio Felice Orelli Villa Sottocasa (early 18th century) The area of Oreno has maintained its medieval look with an 11th-century monastery, Saint Michael's Church and the stately homes Villa Gallarati-Scotti and Borromeo. The town is looking towards the future, thanks to new developments such as the Torri Bianche skyscrapers which host a 16 screen cinema, a shopping arcade and many county offices plus the new Central Bus Station designed by Mario Botta in 1998, which serves the area and has many facilities. On the east side of the city rises the "Centro Scolastico Omnicomprensivo", a scholastic centre, which is known for the quality and high standards of the "Licei" (High Schools). Particularly renowned is the Scientific and Classic Liceo "Antonio Banfi". Within the communal borders there are many parks, used for concerts and shows. Vimercate received the honorary title of city with a presidential decree on June 28, 1950. Photo gallery Notable People Emis Killa (1989), rapper Matteo Morandi (1981), gymnast, 2012 Olympic bronze medalist on still rings Immigration [1] - Demographic Stats Notes and references External links Web page of the city of Vimercate Mirabilia Vicomercati Art and History Oreno di Vimercate web site
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