Palazzo Barbieri
Barbieri Palace is home to City of Verona and is Neoclassical building designed by the engineer Giuseppe Barbieri. Construction begins in 1836 and is completed in 1848. City Council Hall is dominated by huge canvas by Felice Riccio depicting the victory of Verona on Benacensi. Tapestry Hall is rich in textile articles placed in the Second World War. In 1996, the fabrics have been restored. In the room are two paintings of the sixteenth century: the first depicts the "Feast in the House of Levi", a work created in Veronses's workshop; the fall depicts "The victory of Verona 1164 against Frederick Barbarossa", a work completed in 1598 by Paolo Farinati. Representation in the room are four paintings from different eras: two paintings depicting Piazza delle Erbe, a third one, painted in 1839 by Carlo Ferrari, resumes a popular scene, finally, a painting by Angelo Dall'Oca 1903 Bianca.