Sentieri del Parco Nazionale della Sila
Since its inception, the National Park of Sila has placed among the priority objectives the restoration of the network of paths that fall within the perimeter of the Park itself.
Currently the network of trails extending over the three provinces of the Park, develops on 600 km for a total of 66 trails, 51 secondary and 5 trails of the Italian path. The National Park Authority of Sila, in order to achieve the best plan for the reorganization, restoration and maintenance of the entire network of paths, has signed an agreement with the National CAI through its Calabrian section.
The main purpose of this project, which is being completed, is to make the paths accessible not only to a more or less experienced user, but also to those who approach the world of hiking for the first time. The marking used on the routes will be realized in compliance with the international CAI conventions, indicating the level of difficulty of the track, the travel times, the presence of places of particular interest, the points of water supply, etc. There is a double numbering for each trail: the first follows the numbering of the National Inventory of the CAI Trails, the other indicates the corresponding number of paths of the National Park of Sila.
Along the trail path will be placed signposts, indicating the directions of the route to be followed and positioned close to the bivouacs, and local tables showing the name of the resort and the corresponding quota. In addition, at the back of each table, an identifier number is attached, which, when indicated as necessary, allows the rescue personnel to locate the exact location where they are located.