Chiesa SS. Apostoli Pietro e Paolo
The main church of the village is the Church of SS. Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, built in the sixteenth century. It is composed of three wide aisles, on top of which is placed a Latin cross. Its façade is characterized by the presence of a central rose window that surmounts the main entrance, and by two small rose window of 1600. It is the largest compared to the churches of the surroundings with its base of 40 to 20 meters. Placed in the open space called “Le Pezze”, in 1500 he faced the hospice of St. Nicolò and left the Church of St. Mary of the brotherhood of peace. On the last arch , to the right of the entrance, still preserves a stone decoration of 1580, date on which it was made a renovation and an expansion. September 7 ,1539, King Charles V, to reward some of the gifts received by the inhabitants of the farmhouses , raised 24 calabrian churches to cathedrals, including the Church of Pedace. After the heartquake of 1638 was added a new chapel with the title of St. Mary of mercy or suffrage. Inside there is the chapel of the Sacrament in baroque style, the presbyter in walnut inlaid of 1806 and the wooden high altar in baroque Neapolitan style. Several paintings in the church as : “ The miraculous catch”, “The trinity” , and the painted sky of 1771 are attributed to the painter Cristoforo Santanna. On the apse arch rises the dome, with woven wicker and painted by a certain Bevacqua of Spezzano della Sila, at the peak of which is represented the dove of Holy Spirit that overlook over the presbytery. The pulpit in wooden walnut and chestnut of 1700, made of local artisans is attached to the penultimate right column. Instead, in the sacristy there are cabinets in walnut inlaid in 1848 by a certain Giuseppe Leonetti of Serra Pedace.