Luogo - Museum
Museo diocesano di arte sacra - Sezione di Sezze
piazza del Duomo, 1, Sezze (Latina)
The Museum houses items mainly from the churches of Sezze which are no longer used for worship and objects that are no longer used for liturgical functions. It is located in some parts of Palazzo dei Canonici, in the complex of the Basilica-Cathedral of Sezze, whose construction started in the 12th century. Oil and tempera paintings, sculptures, busts, reliquaries, goldsmiths’ objects, liturgical vestments and works realised from the 15th to the 19th centuries are on display in the museum. Among the paintings, Icona del Cristo Salvatore (Giovanni da Gaeta, 1472), and Martirio di Santa Parasceve (Giovan Domenico Fiorentini, 1783) stand out. Among the objects worth noting are a set of candleholders and altar cross and three altar cards from the 18th century; a considerable number of reliquary busts in gilded wood and silver realised between the 16th and 19th centuries; a 16th century pax and some temple reliquaries. In the presbytery of the adjacent Basilica of S. Maria it is possible to admire a wooden canopy which, together with the statue of the patron Saint Lidano d’Antena, is the work of sculptor Jean Poiret di Nancy (1672) and the large painting of Madonna degli orfani by Bentivegna (1602). A marble tabernacle for holy oils attributed to the sculptor Paolo Romano from Sezze (15th century) is located in the right wall of the Baptistery. A collection of stones on display in the internal courtyard of the complex complete the exhibition itinerary.