Luogo - Museum
Museo diocesano d’arte sacra
piazza Santa Maria, 15, Sermoneta (Latina)
The Museum exhibits items coming, above all, from the churches of Sermoneta which are no longer used for worship. It is located in various rooms of the collegiate church of S. Maria, in the ancient chapel of the Magi and in the adjacent Oratory of the Flagellants, realised in the second half of the 15th century. The Oratory, originally headquarters of the Confraternity of the Flagellants, is a rectangular vaulted hall painted entirely by Giovan Domenico Fiorentini (1747-1820) with scenes of Jesus Christ’s life and images of saints. Paintings and frescos, sculptures, goldsmiths’ objects, liturgical vestments and illuminated liturgical books, all works realised from the 16th to the 19th century are exhibited in the museum. Among the paintings, Incoronazione della Vergine by Girolamo Siciolante da Sermoneta (1521-1575) and San Michele arcangelo scaccia il demonio by Frans Van de Kasteele, known as Francesco da Castello (ca. 1541-1620) stand out for quality; among the objects, it is worth mentioning a silver chalice dated 1952, a 15th century charity plate in embossed bronze and an illuminated choral book, with parchment sheets, leather cover and embossed, engraved and fretted bronze badges. In the adjacent church of S. Maria it is possible to admire the Madonna degli angeli with the city of Sermoneta on her lap, painted by Benozzo Gozzoli around 1456.