Luogo - Museum
Museo dell’Abbazia di Valvisciolo (Galleria Abate S. White)
Badia, 1, Sermoneta (Latina)
udes the large paintings on canvas by Francesco Savonanzi and Tommaso Donini that decorate the church presbytery, and those by Vincenzo Pasqualoni and P. Pasquale Minoccheri preserved in the Room dedicated to Abbot Savastano. Almost all the works exhibited, mostly engravings and drawings from the 16th-19th centuries, were donated by Guglielmo Guidi, a collector from Latina. Original art printing is well represented by xylographs, engravings, etchings, aquatints and lithographs of some of its greatest interpreters, such as Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Canaletto, Giovan Battista Piranesi, Francisco Goya, and Honorè Daumier. Among the original drawings, it is worth mentioning the sanguine drawings by Francesco Curti and Luca Giordano and the pencil drawings by Vincenzo Camuccini. Some works from the Abbey’s historical archive, such as Deposizione by Pomarancio (ca. 1590) and the portrait of Abbot White realised by Aurelio Mariani in 1902, stand alongside this fundamental core. Also from the historical archive, coins, medals, antiphonaries and manuscripts, mostly dating back to the 19th century, are exhibited in the showcases.