Altare di Monte d’Accoddi
The prenuragic altar of Monte d%u2019Accoddi, rising on the border of a plateau, is a unique monument not only in Sardinia but in the western Mediterranean area. Its structure recalls Middle Eastern ziqqurat (3rd millennium BC), for the presence of a great terrace in the shape of a truncated cone and a long trapezoidal flight of stairs that leads to the terrace. The altar was built over a pre-existing structure which had, on the top of the terrace, the so- called %u201Cred temple%u201D, a rectangular sacellum plastered and painted red ochre. Its floor and part of the perimeter wall are still visible. This big structure was built during the last phase of the Ozieri culture (3200-2800 BC), in the middle of a village dating from the second half of the 4th millennium BC. After the destruction (c.2800 BC) a new structure was built, what we see today. The building had a religious function over the centuries until it was abandoned. Around 1800 BC it was sporadically used for burials. A Nuragic village (15th- 10th century BC) and a necropolis with domus de janas tombs are in the archaeological area.
Partially accessible to disabled people.