Castello di San Giorgio
The Castle of San Giorgio is still the most representative historical monument of La Spezia. Set on a small hill called "The Poggio", overlooking the town of late medieval formation, the Forte lived numerous building stages, documented in the second half of the fourteenth century and witness the remains of the foundations of the keep and walls, where even today are visible slits for archers. In 1443 the castle underwent a radical intervention with the addition of the downstream, prepared for the use of firearms, while a century later, in 1554, it begins the work of building a major defensive work of support called the "Bastia", whose remains were rekindled recently, and a total requalification top part of the building. Finally, in 1607, is giving hand to interventions that brought the castle in its final form, as a result of the important work of redevelopment of the defensive system of the Gulf by the Serenissima.