Gradara, Medieval village between Pesaro and Urbino, in the so-called "Malatesta chessboard" area, is immersed in Colle San Bartolo Natural Park, not far from the sea, in a pleasant hilly landscape. Known above all for its historic Rocca Malatestiana, which together with fortified village and City Walls is a characteristic example of Medieval architecture, the result of a careful restoration carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century, Gradara, already listed among "The most beautiful villages of Italy", was elected also "Borgo dei Borghi 2018" in a famous tv show. The history of Gradara is closely linked to the vicissitudes of its castle, subject over the centuries to the domination of Malatesta, Sforza and Della Rovere families. According to the legend, in it they found the death Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Rimini, or Paolo & Francesca protagonists of V Canto of Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Every year, in the month of August, the castle is the protagonist of the spectacular historical re-enactment titled "Siege to the Castle", inspired by the Siege of Gradara of 1446. Typical dishes of the village are related to rural tradition and the collection of local herbs, with which you can fill delicious "cassoni".