Luogo - Museum
PIAZZA DELLA LIBERTÀ, SNC, Giulianova (Teramo)
The section of the Municipal Museums of Giulianova centered on sculpture is set inside the ground floor of the school-building, situated in Piazza della Libertà. It consists of the collection of plaster casts of the well-known nineteenth-century artist Raffaello Pagliaccetti. Born in Giulianova, he was educated at San Luca Academy in Rome, where his teacher was Tenerani, one of the signatories of the manifesto of Italian Purism in Arts (1843), along with Bianchini, Mussini, Minardi. In 1861 he moved to Florence to visit the National Exposition. He settled there and started to frequent the artists assembled around Duprè. Therefore he took part in the exhibitions of the Academy and in the Universal Exposition in Paris, where he put on display the statue entitled Pius XII, preserved in Giulianova. His work achieves a perfect balance between Classicism and Realism, which is particularly evident in the works intended for the celebration of his birth-place, which outstand for solemnity and for a deeper care in faithful portrays of reality.