Museo archeologico di Fregellae
Opened in 1989 and completed in 1991, the Museum houses some important artefacts from the site of ancient Fregellae. The principal aim of the museum collection is to provide a learning trail that provides a detailed and comprehensive reading of the history and daily life of Fregellae. A set of essential data to get to know one of the most important towns of ancient Italy, certainly the most important Latin colony, which, during its short life (328-125 BC), was the centre of military (the Samnite wars, Hannibal’s war and the war against Macedonia) and socio-political (immigration and the struggle for citizenship) episodes that ended with the traumatic destruction of the city at the time of the Gracchan risings. For this purpose, the presence of explanatory panels on the main issues related to the ancient town and reconstructive tableaux and charts of the major town monuments is indispensable.