Seminario Arcivescovile e Biblioteca
The Seminary Palace is the best example of Baroque in Brindisi and is located in Piazza Duomo. For the construction was used material recovery from the Basilica of St.Leucio (white marble and doors of the facade). It was built by the will of Archbishop Paul de Villana Perlas and designed by architect Mauro Manieri and was finished in 1720. The facade has eight ornamental statues, allegories of the highest disciplines of knowledge. Inside, it houses the Archbishop's Library "Annibale De Leo", established in 1798 with a fund of about 6.000 volumes (collection of Cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali). Today, the Library has over 120.000 volumes, 17 incunabula, over 300 cinquecentine and many manuscripts, including rare works (code Decretum of Gratian, the Postillae Super Ysaiam Alexander of Hales of the fourteenth century, a manuscript with self-portrait of Lorenzo Monaco and 18 volumes from the Archives of the Kingdom of Naples by Bartolomeo Chioccarello). The Library also houses the fund of the mathematician Raffaele Rubini, former professor at the University of Naples; a photo library; an Archive Bishop, and Diocesan Chapter.
From Sunday to Friday: 8:30 a.m./1:00 p.m.; 3:30/6:00 p.m.