Museo dell'assistenza infermieristica
At the Codivilla-Putti Research Institute, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute headed, the museum has allowed the collection of principals, documents and evidence (photographs, interviews, old newspapers, etc..) From ex-hospitals, schools for nurses and private collections, thanks to collaboration between organizations and associations, public and private, and the province of Bologna. Was created to raise awareness of the significance of nursing care to the citizens, but also to keep themselves alive in the nurses' awareness of their past, which is always the foundation of their identity and futura.La this section reconstructs an orthopedic hospital with some nineteenth century furnishings, various equipment for traction of fracture and packaging of casts, as well as materials for rehabilitation. At the psychiatric section - with a very old cot restraints, straitjackets and sides of restraint, a device for electroshock - alongside a section of obstetrics and gynecology, a pediatric, and a generalist, which contains, among other material welfare of the war (First and Second World War). The evolution of care and the technology that supports it is evidenced by the change of the materials used in different eras, from the glass (or ceramic or metal) of principals who were to be recovered, however, plastic and cardboard disposable materials used today. Witness this evolution various objects, including a structured collection of syringes annoverante among other things, a copy of the syringe Jube, used for blood transfusions direct from donor and recipient. Some photographs depict the Red Cross nurses Volunteers in carrying out their charitable activities, undertaken during times of war and national and international disasters since 1908 (the year of the foundation of the body in Italian) to date. This nucleus has been recently enriched with original documents, donated by the heirs of a nurse who was a volunteer in East Africa in 1936-37, reflecting the daily activities at the front and on ships-hospitals. Do not miss the colorful reproductions of stamps dedicated nurse and nursing care in all countries of the world. Of particular interest is the analysis of how the film dealt with the topic of mental illness and care, including nursing care, to psychiatric patients.