Luogo - Museum
Museo archeologico della Valle di Comino "Giuseppe Visocchi"
Vittorio Emanuele III, Atina (Frosinone)
Housed in a classic style building, the Museum was once used as a school and named after the meritorious citizen Giuseppe Visocchi; it contains numerous findings discovered in Atina and the towns in the valley, in particular in the important archaeological sites of Omini Morti (Dead Men) in San Biagio Saracinisco and Pescarola, part of the territory of Casalvieri. Along the exhibition itinerary, one can especially admire pre-Roman ceramics made of a mixture of various types of clay, including the “Alfedena” type amphorae and the earthen jars that can be traced back to the culture of the Valle del Liri, elegant depurated clay jugs and the “bucchero” that documents the commercial penetration of the Etruscans in these areas; very interesting are the fibulae of various sizes and morphology, both in iron and bronze, or the numerous spear points that document the aggressive nature of the Italic populations such as the Samnites who occupied the Atina countryside before the Roman conquest. Through the lapidary that conserves epigraphs and sculptures dating back to the Republican and Imperial eras, it will be possible to virtually visit the urban and suburban monuments of Atina during the Roman period, an important and populous centre remembered by Cicero as praefectura florentissima.