Museo dell'Olio d'Oliva e della Civiltà Contadina
The creation of the Olive Oil and Peasant Civilization Museum of Zagarise (Cz) is a step forward on the path to the diffusion and knowledge of the culture linked to the territory of the Sila, particularly the Sila Piccola. This is a result of the commitment of the City of Zagarise and of the Department of Environmental Policy, but that could not have been achieved without the fundamental contribution of the National Park Authority of Sila. Since its establishment in 2002, the Ente promotes and finances the project for the upgrading of the territory, as evidenced by the two excellence excellence centers already present in the Park area - the first on Lake Cecita, in the town of Cupone (Spezzano Sila, Cs ), the second in Munich (Taverna, Cz) - where the Museum of Olive Oil and the Peasant Civilization of Zagarise fits in.
The Museum of Olive Oil and Peasant Civilization is not a "traditional" museum: it is an eco-museum. The three essential components of each eco-museum, which at the same time constitute substance, content and working method, are territory, population (true object-object of the ethos museum) and heritage, not as part of it (whether ethnography or art or archeology), but like all that the community has attributed over time enough value to be manifested.
The realization of an ecomuseum should therefore be considered the goal of a research path that focuses on local culture and as a goal its conservation and dissemination. The Museum of Olive Oil and Peasantry is therefore a tourist-cultural site able to offer qualified information and stimulate emotional participation involving citizens, organizations, associations.
The establishment of the Museum of Olive Oil and Peasant Civilization was designed and maintained by Syremont - a Thesauron Group company operating in public and private contexts (museums, theaters, castles, historic villas, private collections, parks and gardens ) where real estate, landscaping or urban upgrading is required, aimed at public enjoyment - while Novamusa, of the Thesauron Group, is responsible for managing the reception services to the public.
Opening hours Museum: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm (every day except Monday) from March 16 to November 15 - in the remaining months opening on request.