Museo della Civiltà Agrosilvopastorale, delle Arti e delle Tradizioni del Parco Nazionale della Sila
Conservation of the environmental heritage in harmony with the development and upgrading of the territory is a guiding principle for all the sensitive administrators who are in charge of managing rich areas of nature and history. However, we need to know the land in all its aspects in order to be able to spread this knowledge to the full. Only then can it be possible to protect the environment and the traditions associated with it by developing creativity, civilization and progress at the same time.
An important tool of knowledge and dissemination is represented by ecomuseums, such as our Museum of Agrosilvopastoral Civilization, the Arts and Traditions of Sila National Park. What is an eco-museum explains the "International Ecomuseum Card":
"The ecomuseum is a cultural institution that provides permanent research, conservation and enhancement of a set of natural and cultural assets, representative of an environment and modes, in a given territory and with the participation of the population of life that has happened there".
The Museum of Agrosilvopastoral Civilization, the Arts and Traditions of Sila National Park is part of a major project for the re-qualification of the territory of Sila, in particular of Sila Piccola, and its promotion as a destination for both cultural tourism flows naturalistic and sporting activities, with particular reference to the segment of visitors interested in protected areas, in order to enhance the link between historical-cultural heritage, ecological-environmental and enogastronomic heritage.
Museum Opening Hours: 9:30 am/6:00 pm (every day except Monday) from March 16 to November 15; in the remaining months opening on request.