Luogo - Museum
Museo del Sodalizio Facchini di Santa Rosa
Piazza San Pellegrino, 60, Viterbo
The exhibition is divided on two floors. On the lower floor it is possible to admire ten small-scale models of the various Macchine of Santa Rosa, exhibited in chronological order, starting from one dated 1690 up to the models of the 20th century, including "Ali di luce" (Wings of Light) conceived by architect and porter Raffaele Ascenzi. The section will soon be enriched with additional models, including the current machine “Fiore del cielo” (Flower of Heaven) by Arturo Vittori. On the first floor there is the audiovisual room where it is possible to see videos covering recent and past forms of transport, in order to be able to recreate in visitors the same attraction and emotion that this spectacular event arouses in the thousands of people that visit Viterbo in the evening of 3 September every year. On the last floor, not open to the public, a welcoming hall hosts the Sodalizio (Fellowship) council chamber, where the Directive Committee for the execution of activities concerning the life of the Sodalizio meets weekly. The cultural operators present in the Museum offer free guided tours, introducing and explaining the most technical aspects of transport to visitors.