Luogo - Museum

Museo civico di storia naturale di Trieste

Where PIAZZA A. HORTIS, 4, Trieste

The Civic Museum of Natural History of Trieste, founded in 1846, exhibits extensive collections of botany, zoology, mineralogy, geology and paleontology, divided into two main sections: one open to the public and the other destined to scholars and specialists. The botanical collection includes thirty herbaria and other material sourced both regional and national. In zoological collection it can see, among others, corals, corals, marine fishes and freshwater, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals from all over the world. Rich collections of mineralogy and paleontology: among the most interesting findings may include some dinosaur remains found near Trieste, among which the most important and unique in Europe is the fossil of a hadrosaur of about 4 meters, virtually complete and in anatomical connection. The Civic Museum of Natural History in Trieste is also home to a new department on the evolution of hominids is exposed where the skull of the Man of Mompaderno, coming from Istria and many casts important hominid fossils including the famous "Lucy". The specialized scientific library is stocked with books, where you can find especially periodicals (both domestic and foreign).

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