Luogo - Religious building

Duomo di San Pietro

Where Strada Castello, Modica (Ragusa)

Built between 1301 and 1350, Church was damaged by time and frequent earthquakes. Some internal elements survived the collapse, other were reconstructed by Rosario Boscarino and Mario Spada. A staircase with statues depicting Twelve Apostles leads imposing facade divided into two orders. The interior, with three naves separated by fourteen columns with Corinthian capitals, has a floor (1864) decorated with inlaid white and polychrome marble and pitch black. The vault is full of frescoes depicting scenes from Old and New Testaments, initiated in 1760 by local painter Gian Battista ragazzi and completed in 1780 by his son. Inside there are sculptures by Giorgio Da Milano and a remarkable group of wooden statues depicting "Saint Peter and Lame Man" (1893), masterpiece by Benedetto Civiletti. Monumental organ is work by Polizzi brothers (1924), it consists of 3,200 pipes.

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