Biblioteca La Fornace
The Moie Furnace, building of industrial archeology, has returned to live again as the center of community meeting through new projects. Various are the gathering places within the area called "eFFeMMe23" (Moie Furnace, with the Hoffmann Oven 1923): library, literary café, Informa-young, dining Joyce Lussier, Group Solidarity with attached Documentation Centre. Ceased its activities brick kiln in 1974 and entered a legacy left between public property, the building has been restored and returned to the public in 2007 as a clear example of the recovery of industrial archeology. Its transformation into Library with multiple services, has made it a popular and sought after cultural center; having retained the volumes, the chimney and the oven, makes it also a place of historical and social memory of the territory for the population and the new generations.
(By a Daniele Guerro text)