Centro Comunale d'Arte e Cultura Exmà
Is the old Slaughterhouse of Cagliari; its construction began in mid-1800 by Domenico Bocabino.
The original design included a block of flats in the center of a large square and four smaller buildings at the corners of the court; an enormous cistern, located in the open space, assured water supply for the activities of the slaughterhouse. The complex is stretched over a larger area, reduced because of the widening of the road Sonnino, made in the thirties. The main entrance was on Saint Lucifer, it consists of a large portal decorated with a head of beef in the center, and two of rams on either side, all in marble. The slaughterhouse was active since 1966, when the new building was completed in Via Po. The municipal administration has returned to the city this space earmarked it as place of culture, after a careful restoration work of nineteenth-century structures and organization of open spaces.