Museo storico di Bergamo età veneta
The Section "Veneta Age" of the Historical Museum of Bergamo is located at Palazzo del Podesta, in Piazza Vecchia. The building has a long history: built in the twelfth century by the Suardi family, became the seat of the Podestà (foreign municipal governor in office for six months) until the Venetian domination, when it became the "Palace of Jurists". The Palace includes, in addition to the Museum, an archaeological area with shops of the Roman age, freely available at the entrance, and the "Great Bell", the civic tower from which to enjoy the view from the city. The new Museum of the "Veneta Age" is fully interactive and allows visitors to enjoy the masterpieces of the '500 through a narrative media, sensory and interactive founded on the idea of the trip: a gradual visit through to the halls to discover people, places, activities and businesses of the sixteenth Bergamo. The first rooms of the Museum offer to the visitor a complete look on the late Middle Ages, from Venice to Bergamo, through the construction of fortifications. The seventeenth century is represented by maps and the shops and places of business. The tour ends in the "lower city", with an evocative reconstruction of the large market of the Fair. In this context, the testimonies of the past (paintings, manuscripts and maps) come to life thanks to the technology and conquer the visitor through a playful approach.
Closed on Mondays.