Luogo - Museum
Antiquarium comunale "Villa di Traiano"
Via Sublacense, km 30, Arcinazzo Romano (Roma)
Today, the monumental complex of the Villa of Traianus in Arcinazzo Romano is an Archaeological Park, equipped with services and an educational Antiquarium built in two exhibition structures. The ancient structure can undoubtedly be attributed to the emperor Marcus Ulpius Traianus thanks to the 19th century discovery of water ducts (fistulae) that bear the name of the procurator Hebrus, renowned collaborator of Traianus. The residence owed its construction to the documented passion of Traianus for hunting, as well as to the sovereign’s desire of having a comfortable and private summer hideaway. The Antiquarium is located within the archaeological area inside two small country houses and it hosts the collection of the most important findings discovered during recent excavation campaigns: architectural elements and bricks bearing footprints of wild animals; everyday objects and tools; a fluted marble basin and some hollow vessels; some paintings and wall stuccos. On the other hand, the civic structure houses findings, which belong mainly to two important artistic categories: marble architectural elements (ground floor) and fragments of wall frescoes (first floor). In the case of the small cubiculum “Ambiente XVI” it was possible to reconstruct almost completely the decorative structure of the frescoed walls, recreating in the museum one of the best preserved environments of the Villa of Traianus in all its beauty.