Monumento ai Caduti
Work by sculptor Giuseppe Renda (Polistena 1859 - Naples 1939). In 1926, the sculptor, teacher at the Institute of Fine Arts in Naples, signed the contract that undertook to carry out the War Memorial of the City of Tropea, wanted by Tropeani in Montevideo, in Uruguay. It was established a Commission "Pro Monument" whose presidents, Tropeani of birth but with political office and social prominent in Uruguay, were Senator Domenico Arena and the Cav. Francesco Russo. The monument is 5,70 meters high, and was originally composed only by the bronze statue, by a base of travertine stone engraved with the names of the Fallen. It plays a Roman legionary fighting-headed eagle: the nude figure of the legionary is captured by the artist in the effort to bring down the eagle climax, that personifies the Austria-Hungary enemy. The monumental complex was supposed to be part of a cannon enemy who at that time was located in Tropea. A few years before the erection of the Monument, the City of Tropea had inaugurated the plaque to the Fallen of the War 1915/1918, placed on the east wall of the Circle "P. Galluppi", at the presence of the remains of the heroic Caporale Francesco Lo Torto, came back to Tropea.