Palazzo Vicari Museo di arte contemporanea
The Museum of Contemporary Art “Dino Formaggio” started is public activity in October 1993. The Museum hosts an important collection of paintings and sculptures dating from the end of the 19th. century to the present time and it represents a farsighted cultural and touristic achievement of the Teolo’s municipality, thanks to long work of a great man and citizen of this town, the philosopher and Professor Dino Formaggio.
The Museum, which includes almost a hundred different artist’s works, gives today the possibility to see the paintings and sculptures made by some of the most celebrated names in the History and Critic of Art such as the Italians Medardo Rosso, Francesco Paolo Michetti, Angelo Dall’Oca Bianca, Vincenzo Irolli, Aligi Sassu, Renato Birolli, Fiorenzo Tomea, Italo Valenti, Tono Zancanaro, Carmelo Cappello, Tito Gasparini and the famous foreign artists Vilim Sveçniak from Zagabria, Gugo Manizer from Moscow, Sylvain Nuccio and Bartolomeo Trombini from Nimes and the Mexican Julia López.
The Museum’s dedication to Professor Dino Formaggio is a due acknowledgement to his twenty-years presence in town, while he was teaching Aesthetics at the University of Padua and later became dean and eventually temporary chancellor of it, with several national and international awards for it and for his works. His has been the collecting and bequest of all the works of art exhibited in the Museum, and he has been the curator, until his death in 2008.
This very fact is as well the most special trait of the real peculiarity which countermarks the Museum itself, whose formation is indeed the result of the generous solidarity and exchange among several artists who, starting to meet in 1938 as members of the famous “Corrente” cultural group in Milano (led by the artist Ernesto Treccani), have all been tied together for many years in a rich and deep conversation with Art.
And thus today the Museum of Teolo is a concrete presence which can be seen by the Italian and international visitors coming to stay shortly or longer in the “Colli Euganei” district. It is meant for those who want to vacate firmly and so to enjoy well the gifts of nature, together with those still precious of Art.