Luogo - Museum

Musei di Villa Torlonia, Casina delle Civette

Where Via Nomentana, 70, Roma
This is a house-museum lived in by Prince Giovanni Torlonia Jr. until he died in 1938. The first nucleus was built by Giuseppe Jappelli in 1840; successive expansions took place in 1908-14 by Enrico Gennari and Venuto Venuti, and in 1917-20 by Vincenzo Fasolo. Today it houses the Museum of the glass window, with lead glass windows realised by Cesare Picchiarini’s workshop, sketches, and preparatory cartoons by artists such as Duilio Cambellotti, Paolo Paschetto, Vittorio Grassi and Umberto Bottazzi. The tour of the Museum ends in the Library of Applied Arts.
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