Luogo - Point of interest

Via Alessandrina

Where Via Alessandrina, Roma

The name "Alexandrian", which marks the neighborhood derives from the Alexandrian  Aqueduct. The first modern town planning in the area between the Forum of Nerva and Trajan's Column came in 1570, through the work of Cardinal Michele Bonelli, nephew of Pius V Ghislieri, said the "Alexandrian". It was he who reclaim the area and make it buildable with the way born from his name. The district, made up by small narrow streets, was the jersey of the building fabric between the foot of the Capitol, the Subura Wall and the Roman Forum. They stood modest houses, but also important buildings, like the Sixtus IV Palace, the Conservatory of St. Eufemia and the Flaminio Ponzio Palace. The ground floors were occupied by small shops and craft workshops.

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