Luogo - Architecture

Porta Latina

Where Via di Porta Latina, 15-17, Roma

Latin Gate is one of the doors that open into the Aurelian Walls. It is among the most impressive and best preserved of the entire walls and its name comes from the homonymous route that passes through it and that, in Roman times, it was the road to get to Capua. The structure of the Gate, which has not undergone interventions that would change the original appearance, has always been in one arch. At the center of the arch, on the outside, it is still visible the monogram of Constantine, while on the opposite side is engraved with a Greek cross. The entire building, crenellated, is flanked by two semicircular towers provided with slits: one on the right side, however, it was entirely rebuilt by Honorius and later restored in the Middle Ages. But also the other suffered a rehash, as evidenced by the presence of the slits for archers instead of windows for catapults, as in the original towers of Aurelian. Honorius time also dates the rebuilding travertine facade.

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