Sacrario di Cristo Re
The Shrine of Christ the King was built on the ruins of the Matagrifone Castle, which resists, incorporated, one of the towers. Designed by Giovan Battista Milani in 1937, it dominates the town with its large dome and its forms that recall the Filippo Juvarra's architecture. It contains the remains of thousands of victims of the First World War. From the belvedere in front, you can enjoy the view of the Straits and the city. Because of its strategic and panoramic location, it was the acropolis of the city, Byzantine fortress and residence during the Third Crusade of Richard the Lionheart, who stayed there before continuing his journey to the Holy Land. In 1284, in its tower, Charles of Anjou was imprisoned before being moved to Spain. The building, in Baroque style, is shaped like an irregular octagon, with a large dome marked eight ribs, the base of which there are eight bronze statues modeled depicting the three Theological Virtues, the four Cardinal Virtues and the Religion. On the dome there is a lantern placed six meters high and a ball on which stands a cross. The octagonal tower has the third largest bell in the world.