Museo della Fondazione Fioroni
The Fioroni Foundation Museum in Legnago is one of the most evocative and noteworthy home-museums in Veneto. The first exhibition of a considerable, unique, precious collection of relics of the "Risorgimento", which had been put together by the Fioroni family from the end of the 19th century onwards, dates back to the early 1920's. One of the most interesting and characteristic features is the deliberate contextualization of the objects on display thanks to their complex historical setting.
In the risorgimental rooms at the Fioroni Museum, period furnishings, tapestries, carpets and chandeliers re-create the setting for the collection proper, a setting which enhances and puts the multiform jumble of precious objects into their historical perspective. The eight rooms of the risorgimental museum tell the long story of the unification of Italy since the heroic deeds of Napoleon: the "carbonari" and "mazziniani" risings, the events of 1848, the second war of independence as well as the legendary general Giuseppe Garibaldi who is commemorated in the extraordinary relics which belonged to the hero of the "Two Worlds". The other rooms in the ground floor tell the Medieval and Renaissance history of the town of Legnago, through a rich collection of arms and pottery.