Destinazioni - Comune
Colleferro (Roma)
Colleferro ("Iron hill") is a small town of the province of Rome in the Lazio region of central Italy. It is a new residential zone of the metropolitan area of Rome where many different industries and sport structures are located.
From Appia and Plutarch we learn that in 82 BC a decisive battle in the Civil War against Gaius Marius the Younger, took place at Colleferro, which concluded in favor of Silla. At the end of the siege Marius committed suicide.
It was at Colleferro that Italian cyclist and patriot, Enrico Toti, that on 27 March 1908, had his left leg crushed. The train was stopped at the station to be joined with the Colleferro train. Toti was lubricating the engine of the locomotive. and when the locomotives moved, Toti slipped and his left leg was trapped and crushed by the gears.
The development of the town began as early as 1912 with the conversion of a long disused sugar factory (the Valsacco factory) to an explosive factory. Initially, the town developed away from where the center is today; the first few buildings (including the Church of St. Joachim) were built within the territory of the nearby town of Valmontone, near the train station that was then called "Segni-Paliano", and was renamed "Segni-Station Colleferro" after the birth of the town.
The engineer Leopoldo Parodi Delfino (former senator and son of the founder of the National Bank, then Bank of Italy) and Senator Giovanni Bombrini founded the 'Bombrini Parodi Delfino explosives factory. Nearby, a new the "BPD Village" was created, and factory workers and their families from throughout Italy moved into them. Later, a cement factory opened (the "Lime & Cement Segni", subsequently acquired by Italcementi), using materials quarried from the nearby town of Segni.
Colleferro continued growing throughout the '20s and '30s with still within the municipality of Valmontone. In 1935 Colleferro was incorporated as a new city. Later, Colleferro incorporated portions of the neighboring municipalities of Segni and Paliano.
On 1 February 1938 there was the worst ever explosion at the Bombrini Parodi Delfino (BPD). The number of dead and wounded and the damage was so severe that the news was reported even in Times. Within about three hours with of the explosion, the king, Victor Emmanuel III, Benito Mussolini, along with government and military officials, were in Colleferro to see what happened, visiting the wounded, and planning what to do for the wounded and the town. The following year, on 18 June, Prince Umberto II of Italy visited the town to present awards for courage to those at Bombrini Parodi Delfino (BPD).
During WWII, the Allies repeatedly bombarded Colleferro to destroy the explosives factory. During the attacks, citizens found shelter in a series of caves and tunnels built under the "BPD Village".
On 12 September 1949, the town conferred honorary citizenship on Don Filippo Andrea Doria Pamphilj.
In the early 50s, (BPD) manufactured Lauryl, the first soap powder in Italy.
Paul VI celebrated Mass in the Plaza Italy, 11 September 1966, in which he stated that the church stands in defence of workers and began the speech with the words "Viva Colleferro operaia!" (Long live the workers of Colleferro).
On 9 April 2003 the fifteenth Ariane 5 launch, one of the boosters had the name CITTA' DI COLLEFERRO to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the city. The boosters were manufactured at AVIO (Colleferro).
On 9 October 2007 one person was killed and eight were injured in an explosion at a weapons factory belonging to Italian company Simmel Difesa.
Colleferro is twinned with:
Colmenar Viejo Spain
Geography anthropogenic
Colleferro Scalo, originally, the first settlement of Colleferro
Fourth kilometer, located on the border with the municipality of Artena
Monuments and places of interest
Religious Buildings
Santa Barbara
Church of the Immaculate
Church of San Bruno
Church of St. Joachim
Temple of Santa Barbara
Church of St. Benedict
Temple of Saint Anne
Architecture military
The air-raid shelters, residues of World War II, where some 1,500 civilians found shelter during the bombing, most of the "refuge" is still open on the feast of St. Barbara (4 December), patron of the country.
The territory has always been an agricultural vocation. From 2006 is in the "Rural District and the Valley of the agro-energy Latin.
As part of the redevelopment of the Valle del Sacco was initiated an experiment in "non-food crops (crops not for food). The crops will be sunflower for the biodiesel and poplars to power boilers biomass.
As for the 'livestock, the environmental crisis had forced the slaughter of livestock and destruction of health protection for milk in all farms in the area. The farm has since rebounded with numerous protections for consumers.
The development of Colleferro is linked from the beginning to its industrial, with the opening of explosives Bombrini Parodi Delfino (BDP), to which were added numerous chemical plants and textile. The industrial area of Colleferro spread over 1000 hectares of land, mostly owned by
Some of the companies in the territory and have been: SNIA S.p.A. for working with pozzolan's Italcementi in the chemical Caffaro Ketones, Caffaro Benzoin the . Svim; for the construction and repair of the railway car body Alstom and RFI. Among the companies high teconologia remember the Avio, operating in aerospace, but we mention the war in Simmel
Sport venues
Municipal Stadium Maurizio Natali
Municipal Stadium Andrea Caslino
Sports Hall Alfredo Romboli
Municipal Swimming Pool
Field Archery
Bowls Hall
The main sports clubs are Colleferro:
SS Colleferro, Football team
Colleferro Rugbyby rugby union
"Civis Colleferro 1997" by 5 a side football
Society Colleferro Sports Soccerby football
"ASD" mythical "Colleferro" of "table tennis".
"ADG Colleferro Agora" (several times champions Italy)
"Volleyball Colleferro Volleyball
"A. S. D. Swimming Colleferro water polo
"ASD Basketball Colleferro Basketball
"ASD Colleferro Athletics Athletics
External links