Mudas museum - Museo diocesano di Arezzo
Young for birth, MUDAS Museum boasts the presence of works of great artists dear to the people of Arezzo, and liturgical objects and veneration related to the religious sentiment of the Diocese of Arezzo. The Museum presents its collection in the new headquarters: the five rooms of the old Archive at the diocesan Bishop's Palace. The route offers a small but deep excursus into the history of art from the twelfth century until today, including works by Andrea di Nerio, Rossellino, Bartolomeo della Gatta, Giorgio Vasari and Giuliano Vangi. This collection began to come together in 1950 in the corpus of works exhibited in the famous Exhibition of Sacred Art of the Diocese from the eleventh century to the eighteenth century at the Town Hall of Arezzo. Creators and promoters of this enterprise were Roberto Longhi and Mario Salmi, eminent historians. That was the occasion for which the Bishop Emanuele Mignone came to the decision to establish a museum with works of the Cathedral, the Chapter and Episcopio and others from churches now closed to worship, or not well supervised. April 21, 2011, with the exhibition "Giorgio Vasari Santo is Beautiful" takes the Museum based at the Bishop's Palace, by decision of the Archbishop Riccardo Fontana. Still life of the collection is revealed in bequests and gifts from artists who gravitate around the city.