Luogo - Museum
Museo della Ceramica
San Salvatore, 21, Vasanello (Viterbo)
The Museum, housed in Palazzo Celestini in the heart of the historical city centre, narrates the story of the town’s historic ceramic production, favoured by the numerous clay deposits that were present in the territory. It preserves materials that range from the Faliscan period up to modern times. From an archaeological and scientific point of view, the most important finds are those discovered by the Superintendency for Southern Etruria during excavations carried out in 1984-85 in the locality of Cesurli, in a place called Poggio della Mentuccia. The handicrafts tradition that mostly characterises this area and the realisation of ceramics destined to be fired that were still being produced and sold throughout the Lazio region in the 20th century are narrated through images and objects. Thanks to a donation of the Misciattelli family, some pieces from the modern “Ceramica Bassanello” factory, which operated until 1978 and produced objects of rare beauty and quality that were exported all over the world, are on show. Lastly, some statues by Giulio Francesconi, a 20th century artist, show his ties with the ceramic production of Vasanello.