Luogo - Museum
Museo etrusco-romano
piazza Vittorio Emanuele III, Trevignano Romano (Roma)
Trevignano was probably the site of the Etruscan town of Sabate of which no trace has been found except for an extensive necropolis east and west of the town. Some of the contents of the chamber tombs of the 7th-6th centuries B.C. are visible in the museum located on the ground floor of the Town Hall in the main square of the town. Among the 350 objects exhibited, there are bucchero and bronze vases, knobs, fibulae and golden and amber ornaments. A large finely decorated bronze “flabello” (fan), and two large finely painted amphorae of the Orientalising tradition are from rich Annesi-Piacentini and Flabelli tombs discovered intact in 1965. Other Etruscan findings of great value include the intact tomb of a warrior of the 8th century B.C., still with his weapons and the remains of two carts.