Giardino della Villa di Castello
The Garden of the Castle is the only part open to the public the original complex of the Medici villa, now the seat of the Accademia della Crusca. It can be defined as a full prototype of the sixteenth-century Italian garden; was in fact carried out starting from 1537 for Cosimo I de 'Medici. The overall project was given to Nicholas Tribolo. Highlights of the rich and articulated decorative, are the fountain of Hercules and Antaeus and the extraordinary Cave of Animals or the Flood, among the most famous in Europe, which was designed by Tribolo same, and animated originally from spectacular water, is a perfect simulation of a natural cave in which they are assembled in polychrome marble sculptures of animals. The garden was designed from its inception to the cultivation of citrus in pots is to be back, that collection has been enriched over time and has come in large part to the present; number of plants and number of varieties, some two hundred, is one of the most important in Italy. To report'' Ortaccio 'where there is the Medici collection of jasmine and the herb garden.