Museo Diocesano e del Codex

Via Arcivescovado, 5, Rossano (Cosenza)

The Diocesan museum and of the Codex was the first diocesan museum founded in Calabria in 1952.  On 3rd July 2016 a brand new museum has been opened divided in...

Museo della Liquirizia Giorgio Amarelli

SS 106 - Contrada Amarelli, Rossano (Cosenza)

The Museum was founded in 2001 to tell the story of liquorice and Amarelli family, whose business early in 1731. It is housed in a century old building and documents...

Abbazia di Santa Maria del Patire (o Patirion)

Località Patire, Rossano (Cosenza)

The Abbey of St. Mary of Suffering (or Patirion) was founded around 1095 by the monk Bartholomew of Simeri. In Norman times it became one of the richest and most...