Palazzo del Bargello
Named after the Bargello, that is, the local police chief, according to which, the tradition, was the residence. Typical example of Gothic architecture in a Medieval town, the Palace, with three floors, perfectly preserved, dates back to the early 1300. The building has all the characteristics of typical house of Gubbio: two entrances, which gave access to the main shops and to the smaller apartments. The plans are defined by cornices and covered with ashlar. The Palace is known for two curiosities: the first is the presence, next to the large entrance portal, of the so-called "door of the dead", with the higher threshold above the street level. Characteristic of Medieval houses, according to tradition was walled and open only to pass the coffin of the deceased. The second curiosity concerns the front sixteenth-century fountain, called "Fountain of the Crazy" because, according to an ancient tradition still in use, the stranger who turns three run laps around it, while other people bathe with water, acquires citizenship and the title of "Agobbio's Crazy".