Luogo - Park
Riserva Naturale "Gole del Raganello"
gole raganello, Civita (Cosenza)
"Gole del Raganello" Nature Reserve is a protected natural area within Pollino National Park. On the rocky crests of Timpa di San Lorenzo and Timpa of Porace-Cassano, imposing walls of Raganello canyon are home to numerous animal and plant species. Gole of Raganello is a 17 km long canyon that branches off from Lamia Spring to reach an area adjacent to the town of Civita, where characteristic Ponte del Diavolo rises. Here the course of Raganello stream becomes more regular and flows along a more open valley. Raganello canyon is distinguished by experts in two parts: the high gorges and the low gorges, which can be traveled by canoe by sportsmen and by simple enthusiasts with the help of expert local guides.