Destinazioni - Comune
Berzo Demo
Berzo Demo (Brescia)
Berzo Demo (Bèrs e Dém in camunian dialect) is an Italian comune of 1,729 inhabitants in Val Camonica, province of Brescia, in Lombardy.
The town of Berzo Demo is nestled on the southern slopes of the Pian della Regina. It is formed by three villages: the more downstream is Demo, the focus is Berzo and on top is Monte. It is bounded by other communes of Cedegolo, Cevo, Malonno, Paisco Loveno, Sellero, Sonico.
Monday, April 6, 1299, the consuls of the vicinia of Berzo and Demo go to Cemmo where is Cazoino Capriolo, Chamberlain of the Bishop of Brescia Berardo Maggi. Here swear according to the usual formula loyalty to the bishop, and pay the tithe due.
On May 15, 1365, the Bishop of Brescia Enrico Sessa invests iure feuds for a tenth of the rights in the territories of Breno, Vione, Vezza, Sonico, Malonno, Berzo Demo, Astrio, Ossimo and Losine Giovanni and Gerardo sons of Pasino Federici of Mu.
The peace of Breno of December 31, 1397, the representatives of the community of Demo, Albertino di Martino di Demo and the notary Giovannino Boldrini of Saviore, stands on the Ghibelline bank of Oglio.
On September 17, 1423, the Bishop of Brescia Francesco Marerio invests iure feuds for a 10th of the rights in the territories of Monno, Cevo, Andrist, Grumello, Saviore, Cemmo, Ono, Sonico, Astri, Malegno, Cortenedolo, Vione, Incudine and Berzo Demo at Bertolino della Torre of Cemmo.
In 1760 Berzo Demo and Monte had 790 inhabitants.
Between 1927 and 1948 (Royal Decree 28 September 1927) Berzo Demo was joint to Cedegolo.
Monuments and places of interest
Religious architecture
The churches of Berzo Demo are:
Parish Church of St. Eusebius, fifteenth century in origin, extended in the seventeenth. The ancon of the high altar was made by Pietro Ramus.
Parish of San Lorenzo; the portal bears the date 1757
Church of St. Augustine, near the bell tower, now deconsecrated. Within a tombstone dated 1640.
Church of San Zeno, on a small hill at the foot of the commune, is of the sixteenth century. It has a triangular tower-bell.
Church dedicated to Saint Valentine (or "of the Dead"): Until a few years ago it was covered with votive offerings (ex voto), especially anatomical ones (legs, feet, hands).
Military architectures
The bell tower of 1865 stands on the ruins of a medieval tower-house
Demographic trends
Traditions and folklore
The scütüm are in camunian dialect nicknames, sometimes personal, elsewhere showing the characteristic features of a community. The one which characterize the people of
Berzo is Bersàgoi
Demo is Gòs
Monte is Gàcc
Baccanelli; Boldini, Moreschi, Ruggeri (2003). Bercio - storia religiosa e civile del comune di Berzo Demo (in Italian). Breno: Tipografia camuna.
External links
(Italian) Historical photos - Lombardia Beni Culturali