Destinazioni - Comune

Agrate Conturbia

Where Agrate Conturbia (Novara)
Agrate Conturbia is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Novara in the Italian region of Piedmont, located about 100 kilometres (62 mi) northeast of Turin and about 25 kilometres (16 mi) north of Novara. It consists ot two towns, Agrate and Coturbia, located in the low hills between Cressa and Borgo Ticino, south of Lake Maggiore. Agrate Conturbia borders the following municipalities: Bogogno, Borgo Ticino, Divignano, Mezzomerico, Suno, and Veruno. Main sights Castle of Agrate, of which few original parts remain after it was damaged in 1400 Castle of Coturbia, also modified Parish church of San Vittore, documented as early as 978 Baptistry of Agrate, in Romanesque style. It is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. The lower section (based over a Roman edifice) dates to about 930, while the upper one is from about 1120. It has an octagonal plan, with a small portal surmounted by a single mullioned window. Further triple, blind mullioned windows decorate each face of the building, as well as Lombard bands. The interior has some 15th-century frescoes. Faunistic Park La Torbiera, a zoo built in 1977 References External links Offiicial website
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