Museo veneto del giocattolo - onlus
The Museo Veneto del Giocattolo was established in 2006. Its aim is to save and give again a life and worth to old toys. These toys form the largest collection of playthings ever harvested in Veneto Region, which can count on very precious and rare specimens dated from the end of 19th century up to 1970s. The museum shows different kinds of toys: car, train, boat, airplane models as well as tin soldiers, dolls and games which have been produced in Italy and abroad. There are seven different sections which define the type of plaything. One special wing is fully dedicated to rare and famous items produced by INGAP, a famous toy factory from Padua.
The set of the Museum is continuously improving and enlarging, thanks to the great generosity and the donations of some collectors. The mission is not only to preserve the historic and artistic value of these playthings of the past, but and especially to enhance the interaction of the children with toys, by encouraging creativity and promote relationships one each other through the game. The objects shown in the Museum are not only a great witness of the artistic and crafts skills, but they are a sort of junction vehicle between different generations, which can bridge together in a simple but very realistic way.
It is because of the above that we decided to place the Museum in Civitas Vitae, a multifunctional centre where longevity is really the main goal. The 12,000 square meters of gardens, building and living spaces gives renovated worth to aged people. It is owned by Opera Immacolata Concezione Foundation and in particular a group of persons from Agorà association (Members of the Group Terza Età Protagonista) have been trained to cooperate in the Museum to make the relationship between old toys and today children finally possible and lively.
The aim of these aged but very active people, associated in the “Nonni del Cuore” organisation is to maintain alive past experiences and restore them to young generations. The result is a renovated individual and community identity, which is ground of growth for nowadays kids.
By exploring the Museum young visitors will be introduced to old toys by a “Nonni del Cuore”’s narration. Plaything is becoming in this way the bridge and the communication mean between generations.
The Museo Veneto del Giocattolo organises guided tours to schools and intergeneration labs with the help of the “Nonni del Cuore”.
Often some events are organised in cooperation with the local institutions. A fruitful partnership with Museo di Rovereto has been established.