Museo della Civiltà Contadina e Artigiana della Calabria
Was founded in 1983, after an intense recovery and acquisition of more than 3000 pieces of instruments, tools, products and testimonials related to agricultural life and craft of a significant area of Calabria. The Museum is located at Vinegars-Amoroso Palace, building of the seventeenth century, and is structured in six sections supported by adequate didactic-photoreports equipment: rural art, textiles, pottery, wood, iron and costume. In the first room there was an mighty peasant wooden press of the eighteenth century; a second room devoted to weaving reconstructs the production cycle from seed that leads to tissue, exposing an original frame of Calabria; the sections dedicated to working with clay and wood reconstruct the workplace, with a lathe of the eighteenth century working perfectly. The section dedicated to the costumes, located along the stairways, exposed numerous folk Calabrian costumes from Tiriolo, Sanbiase, Monterosso, Siano and San Nicola da Crissa.