The Cathedral Museum houses a remarkable artistic heritage linked to the historical event of the Duomo and the figure of S. Gimignano, Protector of the city and...
The museum complex, which occupies an area of over 5000 square meters, is named by the great driver and manufacturer Enzo Ferrari. The final design provided for the...
In the apartments of the Ducal Palace, the seat of the Military in 1862, is placed the museum dedicated to the memory of the officers of the military academies dead...
Established in 1854 by Francesco V d'Este of Austria and moved to its present site of the Palace Museum, (Palazzo dei Musei) in 1894, the Estense Gallery includes...
College of Nobles of Modena (now San Carlo) was founded in 1626 by Count Paolo Boschetti. It's very likely that the Boarding students have produced performances from...
The organizing committee of the Civic Museum of the Risorgimento was formed in 1893, in the wake of the Risorgimento exhibition organized within the National...
The Museum of the University Department of Engineering Sciences is placed in the historical Geophysical Observatory, in the south-eastern tower of the Palazzo Ducale...
Built in the second decade of the nineteenth century as a Cabinet of Natural History, the Museum has roots in reality even more distant, as the first collection of...
Founded as the eighteenth-century university collections of paleontology and mineralogy, with which it shares the origin, the Museum of Zoology and Comparative...
The rectory of St. Mary of Pomposa, which Ludovico Antonio Muratori (1672-1750) librarian archivist of the Dukes of Este and one of the main protagonists of Italian...
The rich heritage of the Gallery, actives since the early 60s with a busy exhibition aimed at specific themes and schools of art, is the Collection of Drawing from...
The richest existing worldwide figurines and related materials from the first half of the nineteenth century until the present becomes the museum in 1992 by Giuseppe...